Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chapter 11 Some good reading for the AO.

Chapter 11 : Some good reading for the Assessing Officer

1. Concentration

As physical exercises strengthen the body, concentration increases the strength of mind. Strong mind is not easily affected or disturbed by trials and tribulations of life. For improving concentration whatever activity we may be engaged in, we should try to be totally absorbed in it, however trivial it may be. At that time, except this activity (and associated things) the whole world should be dead for us. For example, even if we are eating a fruit at a moment, we should completely relish each morsel of fruit with our attention totally dedicated to it. If we are bathing, we should relish this activity fully, deriving maximum benefit from it by keeping our attention totally anchored to it. If you are reading a book, be totally absorbed in it for that time oblivious of any other thing. You should also learn to concentrate on uninteresting things also to develop real control of mind.

Concentration, in other words, means to learn to remain in the present moment which is the most desirable feature for success and happiness in life.

2. Welcome difficulties and problems of life, they are for our good :

Regarding various problems, pains and discomforts which we face in life, we should try to develop the philosophy that these have not come to us for frightening. In fact these pains and discomforts are the very things we need at this moment to strengthen and grow wherever we are lacking. They are the trials and tests for us. Instead of opposing them, we should, at such occasions stop for a while, do some self-evaluation and in'trospection and learn the needed lesson from them. We can derive some benefit and learning from every problem or difficulty of life and exploit it to our advantage. This is a wonderful law of life. In every adversity and difficulty, ask yourself what message this problem has brought for me and what benefit I can derive from it. You must come out wiser and more mature after going through a problem.

If we fight with these discomforts and accuse ourselves and others, we are simply invoking a new chain of ,-'Jse and effect and making matters worse. Remember that everything which happens to us in life is for our good only.

In the apparently looking cruel and adverse circumstances is hidden the infinite mercy of God which we can realise if we properly contemplate upon it. That is why enlightened persons always thank God in problems and consider them as 'Prasad' of God. They never question God, but, simply flow with His decisions accepting everything and avoiding nothing.

You have been placed by God exactly where you deserve. This placing is actually needed by you for your growth or for working out or balancing some karmas. Once you play your present role successfully, you will be automatically shifted to the next higher place.

Perpetual resolution

> Vow not to make a promise you don’t think you can keep. Pay a debt. Give a soft answer.

> Free yourself of envy and malice. Make a genuine effort to stay in closer touch with family and good friends.

> Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. A good laugh can be very good medicine.

> Resolve to stop magnifying small problems and shooting from the lip. Words that you have to eat can be hard to digest.

> Find the time to be kind and thoughtful. All of us have the same allotment: 24 hours a day.

> Apologize when you realize you are wrong. An apology never diminishes a person; it always elevates him/her.

> Don’t blow your horn. If you’ve done something praiseworthy, some one will notice it eventually.

> Try to understand a point of view that is different from your own. Few things are 100 per cent one way or another.

> Examine the demands you make on others. Lighten up. When you feel like blowing your top, ask yourself, “will it matter in a week from today?” Laugh the loudest when the joke is on you.

> The sure way to have a friend is to be one. We are all connected by our humanity, and we need each other.

> Avoid backbiters and pessimists. They drag you down and contribute nothing.

> Don’t discourage a beginner from trying something risky. Nothing-ventured means nothing gained.

> Be optimistic. The can-do spirit is the fuel that makes things go.

> Read something uplifting. Deep-six the trash. You won’t eat garbage – why put it in your head?

> Don’t abandon your old fashioned principles. They never go out of style.

> When courage is needed, ask yourself, “if not me, who? If not now, when?”

> Walk tall, and smile more, you’ll look ten years younger.

> Don’t forget to say, “thank you,” say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world.

Let this year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t find the time..

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